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  • Application of agricultural innovation in rice crop field

    Research and testing of Green Plus product 

    Dr. Pakpoom Vatcharakajon, Management of Organic Agriculture, and his research team conducted study and testing on significant Thai economic crops including rice and durian crops. The test results are as follows.

    1. Testing in rice crops

    1.1 Apply in rice cultivation

    Figure 2: The healthy roots and rice after applying Green Plus 

    According to the findings of this study, Green Plus can degrade cellulose to speed up the fermentation process. Compost rice straw and rice stubble to produce fertilizer. It also contributes to adjusting the pH (acid-alkaline) of the soil in order to release valuable soil nutrients, promote rice plant development, and eliminate hydrogen sulfide gas in rice fields. 

    Green Plus promotes complete plant growth, vigorous plants, white roots, and effective tillering. It can also help reduce planting expenses and the usage of chemical fertilizers. Green Plus is extremely beneficial in rice cultivation. 

    1.2 Used for increasing rice crop productivity

    Rice farming and productivity are being researched and tested in the provinces of Lop Buri, Ang Thong, Phitsanulok, and Phichit. Using G Plus in combination with Green Plus (Testing group), a microorganism that eliminates fungus in the soil, decompose rice stubble, reduce hydrogen sulfide gas, and enhance soil conditions as compared to farmers’ application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (Control group). Table 1 displays the comparing results. 

    The comparative results in Table 1 demonstrate that rice in the testing group is higher than rice in the control group. The number of stems per tiller and paddy per panicle is higher in the testing group than in the control group. The yield of the testing group is likewise greater than that of the control group. The difference between groups is statistically significant (p0.05). 


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